The original E3 trailer for Microsoft / Xbox Ones relaunch of Crackdown, working for Axis studios my role on the project included some modelling of environment elements and assisting with the layout of the city. It was a really unique and colorful trailer and fun one to be involved in.

Created as part of the Glasgow's Commonwealth games the 'Catch Clyde' augmented reality app featured a handful of my models including a recreation of Hampden stadium and several sports props. I working with Interference Pattern and IC Mobile Ltd on low poly models for real-time AR use.





Handful of modelling stills from personal projects, I enjoy creating both fantasy / sci-fi environments as well as more real life hard surface modelling and in a variety of styles. My influences and interests are movies and games and I have enjoyed learning new tools as well as game engines both for work and fun.

A quick,blink and you'll miss it bit of modelling but way back I did a bit of modelling for the Assassin's Creed Identity mobile game trailer. I modelled the sword and textured in Houdini,great to get some work on a well known IP even if just for a second!.